Irdroid USB irDA – The irDa device that supports all Operating Systems

Its 2023 and the irDA technology is already ancient and obsolete, but still used in many applications and fields including Medical , Military, Diving Oceanography and more.

The problem is that because the technology is old and obsolete, there is not much support from the Operating Systems for the most of the old devices still available (Old Stock). In addition to that the companies that were producing these irDA devices are no longer interested to continue manufacturing and maintaining product stocks, due to the small market.

The USB irDA transceiver fills that gap, providing irDA connectivity for modern operating systems. It is supported in Linux , MAC OS X and Windows 10 and 11.

In addition to that it is currently in production and available for purchase online from the Irdroid online stores – and

USB irDA adapters for modern operating systems

The irDA protocol though ancient is still used for some applications such as Medical, in the Energy Sector – for power meter communications and also military applications.

The challenge is not that there are not USB irDA adapters available. It is rather the lack of software support for newer modern operating systems.

This gap is filled by a company called Hardware Group Ltd, which offers a inexpensive USB irDA adapter module, compatible and usable on modern operating systems . It is currently compatible with Linux, Mac OS X and Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

The unit is a possible replacement for the following USB irDA adapters that are used for Medical Applications:

  • ZOLL AED plus IrDA adapter
  • Actisys ACT-IR2002UL
  • ACT-IR220L+
  • IR750: USB to IrDA adapter

More information about the module capabilities can be found by visiting this link: