Irdroid authKi is a Open Source crypto Authentication USB Dongle, with built-in hardware support for Asymmetric Sign, Verify, Key Agreement for ECDSA – Elliptic curve digital signature algorithm, ECDH – Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman and NIST Standard P256 Elliptic Curve Support, thanks to the built-in Cryptographic Co-Processor with Secure Hardware-Based Key Storage – ATECC608B by Microchip.
While experimenting with hardware Crypto elements for a Company/Project that I am working, I needed a way to easily access the crypto element via USB, so I designed and built the authKi, and I think that it will be useful for others working in the field There is no open source software and hardware solution that provides the ability to experiment with hardware based secure elements / crypto accelerators. Consequently I found it useful and easy to use for SSH ECDSA public/private keypair authentication and authentication with Git / Github
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